igm Robotersysteme GmbH
2355 Wiener Neudorf, Österreich
igm Robotersysteme GmbH Firmen Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
As member of Global Welding Technologies igm Robotersysteme AG headquartered in Wiener Neudorf, Austria is one of the leading companies in designing, manufacturing and supplying welding robot systems. Based on 50 years welding automation experience igm offers comprehensive turnkey solutions as well as simple subsystems especially developed for arc welding. With subsidiary companies and sales partners in more than 20 countries, over 3500 igm welding robots are operating in diverse industrial sectors worldwide. Besides standard pre-engineered solutions the range of products also include customer related systems individually adaptable on specific manufacturing requirements.
Straße 2a, Objekt M8, Industriezentrum Süd Wiener Neudorf
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- +49715481370
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