Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT GmbH

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Dietrichgasse 17
1030 Vienna, Österreich
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Wolfgang Tschapeller is an architect working in Vienna. He was born in Dölsach, East Tyrol, initially trained as a carpenter, and studied architecture at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. Wolfgang Tschapeller has taught as a visiting professor at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, the University of Art and Design in Linz, Austria, and the State University of New York in Buffalo, as well as other academic institutions. In 2004/2005, he was McHale Fellow at the State University of New York in Buffalo. Since 2005, he has been a professor of architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and as of 2012 he is the head of the Institute for Art and Architecture.

Current ongoing international projects include the Centre for Promotion of Science in Belgrade. His major projects include 2012 the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the BVA 1, 2 and 3 series for the Vienna headquarters of the Austrian Insurance Fund for Public Employees, the design for the construction of a hotel in the Schwarzenberg Palace Garden in Vienna and the European Cultural Centre between the Palatine Chapel and the city hall in Aachen, Germany. In 1998 and 2006, he worked on projects for the Linz Opera House. Furthermore the administrative building of the municipal authority in Murau, Austria, completed in 2002, and the St. Joseph House 2007, embody some of his quintessential ideas.

Wolfgang Tschapeller’s projects have been shown, for instance, in 2012 at the Austrian Pavilion at the Architecture Biennale Venice with the installation Hands have no tears to flow and further works in 2010, 2006, 2004, as contributions to the exhibition New Trends of Architecture in Europe and Asia-Pacific 2008 in Tokyo and 2010 in Istanbul, as part of the exhibition Sculptural Architecture in Austria at the National Art Museum of China in 2006, at the Aedes East gallery in 2006, at the Aedes West gallery in 2004 and at the Architecture Biennial in Sao Paulo in 2003.

Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT GmbH was founded in 2007 in Vienna, with Wolfgang Tschapeller as its principal. In 2012 the branch office Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT Gmbh Belgrade opened. Since 2014 AA Dipl. Arch Niklavs Paegle is director at Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT GmbH.

Niklavs Paegle was born in Riga, Latvia and holds a Diploma from the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London alongside a B.Arch degree from Mackintosh School of Architecture in Glasgow. His work has been exhibited in London, Vienna and Tokyo, as well as being nominated for the RIBA Presidents Silver medal. He has been working with Foreign Office Architects and ACME in London, teaching together with Cristina Díaz Moreno & Efrén García Grinda at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as well as being a unit master at Riga Technical University summer school. Together with an international project team, he is the co-author and curator of the Baltic Pavilion, awarded 1st prize in three separate competitions to represent Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia 2016 for the first time in one joint exhibition. As a Director at Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT GmbH, Niklavs is currently leading the project for the Fine Arts Library in Cornell University, NY, USA.

Dietrichgasse 17 Vienna

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