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Furla Firmen Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

Furla is 100% Italian – in history and spirit.
Founded in 1927, it is the only brand in the
fast-growing premium segment that gives
customers an authentic Made in Italy
experience with an attractive value
for money.
As one of the major global players in
the leather goods market, Furla stands
for quality, a colourful creativity, joyfulness
and a Contemporary Italian Lifestyle.

Content Notice:
Content seen on Furla's Facebook page has been made for the benefit and entertainment of the brand's fans around the world.
While we are very happy for fans to 'share', 'like' and 'comment' on this content, we would appreciate you respect our copyrights and that material is not reposted without clearly linking back to our official Furla facebook page. For special requests, please email your request details to social@furla.com


Die Firma hat einen Parkplatz.
Soziale Medien

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