1010 Vienna, Österreich
RPCK Firmen Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
Global private equity focused legal practices with offices in New York and Vienna, providing legal services to growth business enterprises at all stages of development. Our clients range from global enterprises to entrepreneurial start-ups, as well as the private investment funds, investment advisors, foundations, and other institutions that finance them.
In New York, legal advice is provided by RPCK Rastegar Panchal, P.C.. In Vienna, by RA Dr. Keyvan Rastegar, LL.M., a member of RPCK Rastegar Panchal, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. This page does not constitute an attorney client relationship and to the extent construed as attorney advertising: PRIOR RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE SIMILAR OUTCOMES.
Börsegasse 11/52-54 Vienna
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- Die Firma hat einen Parkplatz.
- Telefonnummer
- +4315320250
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- Schlüsselwörter
- anwaltskanzlei
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